How We Operate

Due to the nature of this program, we operate as professionally and efficiently as possible.

This is intended to be a general overview of the program. Please see the Hancock County SKYWARN operations manual for further instructions.

When an event is forecasted to affect our area, our SKYWARN leadership team, and other volunteers begin discussions and preparations for a net operation, if required. Preparations vary depending on the type of event, time of day, availability of volunteers, and expected impacts. If found to be necessary, especially during a severe weather watch, a SKYWARN standby net may be launched.

During a standby net, spotters are encouraged to check in, and report if they need any supplies, where they plan to spot from, and any other considerations Net Control may need to be made aware of.

Once an event begins to impact our area, we will begin an active SKYWARN net. Spotters will check in, reporting their location, and if they have any criteria to report at the time. Conditions may dictate the exact flow of the net, so Hancock Co. SKYWARN spotters are encouraged to follow the steps outlined in the Operations Manual available below.

All spotters are to follow the direction of the Net Control Station during a net. Failure to abide by this may cause undue delay in relaying critical reports to NWS. If you are not a trained spotter, you are encouraged to listen, but refrain from sending in reports (emergency reports and requests are accepted from anyone at any time).

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